Thursday, January 24, 2013

CF is on at 25/1/2013

Yo!! The 3rd CF meeting of the year is on!! And its games, make sure to bring extra T-Shirts for games! ( WE ARE GONNA GO WILD THIS WEEK) So, please do remember to invite your friends for CF, bless them with a wonderful time at CF this friday! Remember ya!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Hey guys and girls our first week of CF went just great! Last Friday was our first CF of 2013 and for those of you who couldn't make it do try and join us this coming Friday. We had a good turn up of people. Our theme for this year is BOND. We even had a short sketch related to our theme.The sketch was a combination of the recent James Bond movie Skyfall and the story of David and Goliath from the Bible. In my opinion,they boy who acted as Bond in the sketch looked exceptionally handsome. It was a good sketch,special thanks Eng Yaw who wrote the script and of course our actors and actresses. That's about it and i'll say this again,do come and join us this Friday and you won't regret it. To end it all we've got some pictures from last Friday(thanks to our camera woman Jia Wern). A good story always comes with great pictures. And oh yeah if you're that person that always comes to school early and do not know what to do to kill time,we have prayer meetings every day at 7:00 in the morning in front of the school hall.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Wassap guys!!!! Holiday's over and school has restarted, but look at the bright side, CF IS ON!!!!!!! Nothing is better than seeing our CF(ers) this friday,AMEN! its gonna be cool and awesome!!!! God has many things in store for us!!!! So, I, us, we, everyone would like to see all as much people as possible to attend this meeting, and we shall all have fun together and we shall worship the Lord God!!!!!!! WOOOHOOO see you guys there!!! <3 (CF committees)