Friday, June 26, 2009

Peer Pressure: Games Week

Hey everyone! :D
Yes. CF today was GAMES and we had a blast yup.

Recap: 1st game -
Yes! Tennis ball.

Remember how we had to throw the tennis ball across to the other side for our team mates? And many times the other person could not get the ball so the team have to start all over again from square one. Yes, many of you got frustrated. Heh.

But the main point is as the topic today - Peer Pressure: Friendship is really a give and take thing. You have to give just all your heart, effort, time and everything into your friendship - and so you take the same from your other friend. It will be hard, yes! You'll get frustrated too(just like the game) But this give and take will really let your friendship grow to be an awesome happy strong one :)

Alright. Second game! :D
Hahaha yes. We ate bitter gourd, watermelon sweets, some jeruk thingy(lol), coffee, lime juice and a few more for the second game. It was horrible kan. The bitter gourd tasted bitter..... (well obviously?), and yet the watermelon sweets was sweet and yummy yum :D

Just like friendship - Friendship has bitter moments, sweet moments, salty moments, sour moments, plain moments - same like all the food that we ate. But that's why no matter what moment you're in, you have to really keep the friendship strong. Don't just be with your friend when everything is good, and leave your friend when he/she needs help the most. Real friendship is when no matter bitter or sweet moments, you and your friend will still be with each other, supporting and pulling each other through till the end :)

So yes. We hope everyone have fun today and don't forget - the hot hot sun, the tennis ball, the funny taste food and most importantly remember this message about Peer Pressure. No matter how hard a friendship will be, God will help you and your friend through too :)
Just a brief recap of the announcements today! :)

1. Nothing to do tonight? Alright! Why don't you head on to Glad Tidings PJ at 8.26pm for their Made 2 Love youth concert! :D It will be awesome. Don't be late. 8.26pm! Invite your friends ya. For more info, click here.

2. One of last week's announcement - Acts Teens Home Party! :D
It's also tonight June 26 @ 8pm, but yeah. If you're free and you can't go to GTPJ for the Made 2 Love concert, you can go to this home party too. For more info, click here. 


Come on people! Sign up with Marcus/Tzi Ying NOW! :D Exams is not an excuse. Lazy is not an excuse. Just GO, SIGN UP, and have an AWESOME EXPERIENCE at Subang Rally 2009. For forms/flyers - find Marcus or Tzi Ying.


Alright, that should wrap up everything for today. Remember - next week there's CF as usual. Invite your friends and don't be late ;) Also, thank you to everyone who was in charge on getting the CF going today. Thank you so much you guys :) God bless.

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